Press Room

Press Kit


Our press kit information provides basic information for media interested in learning more about the Stomach Cancer Relief Network Inc.

Please contact Marcus Mitchell direct on 702.292.8547 for any inquires.

Open Kit

The Network

Mission Statement

Our mission at the Stomach Cancer Relief Network is to provide the person living with stomach cancer (gastric cancer), or the caregiver of the victim, some financial relief with a one-time grant to assist with any financial burdens that one incurs during this already difficult time.

Our Vision

Our vision at the Stomach Cancer Relief Network is to bring more awareness of the disease to the community by education, more research, and to live in a world where stomach cancer is no longer taking lives and destroying families.


Within 4 months after giving birth to her son Noah on March 7, 2007, Yanira Mitchell found out she was already in stage IV of Stomach Cancer and had only 6 months to live. The pregnancy had masked the stomach cancer the whole time. Yanira, Marcus, and Noah's world was never the same again. After just a couple of days, Yanira and Marcus accepted the diagnosis, but not the prognosis. They decided if this cancer would be the ultimate thing that would take her life away, they would fight together, and do whatever was necessary to prolong her life since she had so much to live for. On the first day of chemotheraphy while Yanira slept, Marcus prayed for direction in what good God would like them to do from all of this. In that instant, a vision was given to Marcus to what needed to be done. It became so clear because their finances were ruined and money was always tight to do just the easiest tasks like putting gas in a car, paying a phone bill, etc., etc. They both made a pact that as soon as she recovered, or if she passed away that this financial help given to others through a non-profit organization could assist the person with stomach cancer or the caregiver. Despite having radiation treatments, chemotheraphy, and her entire stomach removed, Yanira died in a hospice on September 6, 2008 at the age of 38 yrs. old. After months of detachment from the world, Marcus reentered the world of the living through social media. In April 2009, Marcus adapted the screen name GuyNSinCity on Twitter and started doing pay it forward with anything he had personally as well as fincially. 19 months later, Marcus got refocused on his true mission and Stomach Cancer Relief Network Inc. was born on November 22, 2010.

Fact Sheet

March 2007

Yanira Mitchell gives birth to Noah on March 7, 2007.

July 2007

Yanira is diagnosed with Linitis plastica, stomach cancer (gastric cancer) stage IV and given 6 months to live. Her pregnancy concealed the stomach cancer and went undectected.

August 2007

Radiation/chemotheraphy treatments begin and the concept of helping others financially through a non-profit organization is realized.

October 2007

Yanira's entire stomach is removed. (full gastrectomy)

June 2008

After months of recovering and healing, cancer cells return.

July 2008

Doctors open Yanira back up and realize no more surgery is possible now because the spread of cancer cells have invaded the entire body. Prognosis now was approximately 2 months to live.

August 2008

Marcus promises Yanira on her death bed that he would complete their non-profit idea.

September 2008

Yanira dies at the hospice from all the stomach cancer complications on September 6, 2008.

April 2009

Marcus turns to social media to reenter the world of the living by doing good deeds.

November 2010

Marcus gets refocused on their mission/vision and Stomach Cancer Relief Network Inc. is born November 22, 2010.


Marcus Mitchell


Marcus Mitchell was born on December 4, 1970 in Washington, D.C. After graduating high school in 1988, the 17 yr. old went to work right away at the Central Intelligence Agency. He made a 10 yr. career at the CIA with this opportunity. Throughout this time, he acquired a diploma at Tesst Electronic Computer Institue, but often felt there was something missing. Also during this time he got married for the first time and had a daughter, but things didn't work out, and they later divorced. Marcus relocated to Las Vegas where he began a new career in the logistics field at Exel which is where he met Yanira, fell in love, and would stay for 7 yrs. until her death from stomach cancer. Marcus resigned with great respect and honor from all his colleagues in September 2008. Now armed with passion and a mission, Marcus sets out to help change the world and inspire people through his twitter account. In November 2010, Marcus calls together some close assosicates to be a part of the non-profit organizaion he and Yanira invisioned. On November 22, 2010 the dream finally became a reality for Stomach Cancer Relief Network Inc.


(CFO/Vice President/Treasurer)

Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Atque corporis vero expedita quod! Commodi vero atque dolorum, doloribus accusamus fugit at voluptatem ullam ipsa, laboriosam voluptas consectetur vel libero eos.


(Executive Assisant/Secretary)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sunt ipsa recusandae enim ad ipsum sapiente incidunt omnis, dicta, perferendis totam unde magni distinctio nostrum iusto, a possimus laboriosam repellendus corrupti.


Stomach Cancer Relief Network JPEG Hi-Res. Logo

All media outlets can feel free to use our logo as appropriate. *The Stomach Cancer Relief Network logo is a trademark of Stomach Cancer Relief Network Inc., a non-profit organization.


Stomach Cancer Relief Network PNG TRANSPARENT Hi-Res. Logo

All media outlets can feel free to use our logo as appropriate. *The Stomach Cancer Relief Network logo is a trademark of Stomach Cancer Relief Network Inc., a non-profit organization.


Marcus Mitchell making an appearance on 8 News Now


Stomach Cancer Relief Network Press/Media (2012)

Founder Marcus Mitchell accepts the Community Associations Institute (CAI) 2012 Ordinary People-Extraordinary Measures Award on behalf of the Stomach Cancer Relief Network with Vice President Melissa Skipworth.

Founder Marcus Mitchell was a speaker at the Inspire Las Vegas Event on August 21, 2012 inspiring others how to move on after the loss of a loved one. Marcus telling his own unique story of pay it forward and how he started the Stomach Cancer Relief Network.

Founder Marcus Mitchell was a guest on ABC Vegas Morning Blend Show and received a $500 check from America First Credit Union. Marcus was the latest Give Back Award Winner on May 22, 2012 and was recognized for his pay it forward work as well as what he does with the Stomach Cancer Relief Network.

Las Vegas Review-Journal: Man’s desire to pay it forward spurs Stomach Cancer Relief Network