
Stomach Cancer Information

What is Stomach Cancer?

Stomach cancer (also known as gastric cancer), can first appear in the cells on the inside lining of the stomach (adenocarcinoma). The build up of the malignant cells at key locations produce the formation of tumors. Then the tumors may penetrate further into the stomach wall which can affect your organs that are in close proximity, such as the esophagus, liver, intestine, and pancreas. Adenocarcinoma is the #1 most common form of stomach cancer. Lymphoma is another type of stomach cancer that begins in the immune system tissue of the stomach wall and is very rare. Gastrointestinal Stomal Tumors (GIST) can appear anywhere in the gastrointestinal tract. It also is a rare form of stomach cancer that begins formation in the tissues which support our digestive organs.

What are the Signs/Symptoms of Stomach Cancer?

It is VERY important to pay close attention if you experience any of the following: the sudden feeling of fullness after eating just a little bit of food, pain and discomfort above your navel area, feeling more tired than usual (caused by anemia due to the bleeding in the lining of the stomach), regular darkening of your stools (which means blood is present and escaping due to the internal bleeding at the stomach walls), skin looking pale (due to the anemia and jaundice, which the skin/eyes look yellow), frequent heartburn, slight nausea and vomiting sensations that may come & go at any time, no appetite, and major weight loss.

The Masking of Pregnancy

Sometimes a woman who is pregnant can mask the signs of stomach cancer due to similar symptoms. A lot of pregnant women take iron supplements in pill form and from liquid sources too while pregnant because iron helps your body make new blood to carry oxygen and nutrients to the baby during pregnancy. While taking such supplements, your stools will become dark in color just like it does when blood is present in a stool, so be aware of this issue. Feeling weak and tired sometimes due to being pregnant is normal, but another similar sign of stomach cancer due to anemia. Morning sickness feelings that may come and go throughout a pregnancy can vary from person to person, but remember a person who has stomach cancer will also have these nausea episodes that come and go as well. Heartburn is another common pregnancy sign, but also another warning sign your body is alerting you to the possible presence of stomach cancer. Doctors will often confuse your complaint of heartburn and just perscribe some heartburn medication that won't do anything for you if you have stomach cancer.

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